Scaling and Root Planing in Surfside Beach

Scaling and root planing are two procedures done to treat gum disease. They involve a deep cleaning that goes up to the deep pockets below the gumline.

Gum disease is caused by a sticky film of bacteria called plaque. Normally, we brush our teeth twice a day but some food debris may be left behind. This accumulation of bacteria over a period of time forms the plaque which can later harden into tartar. Bacteria can cause gum inflammation and cause your gums to pull away from your teeth and create spaces known as pockets.

Plaque may further push down into the pockets and spread the infection deep below the gumline. If the condition is left untreated, it may cause tooth loss.

If the condition is treated early, a simple professional cleaning procedure may be sufficient. However, if the structures below your gumline have been affected, scaling and root planing may be needed.

During scaling, your dentist will remove all the plaque and tartar from above and below the gumline going deep into the pockets. Root planing is then performed to smoothen the area and help your gums to properly reattach to your teeth. In most cases, the two procedures are done on separate appointments.

You should expect mild pain, bleeding, and sensitivity for several days after the procedures. However, your dentist will prescribe pills or mouth rinse. Your dentist may also apply medicines directly into the cleaned pockets to manage the side effects. You need scaling and root planing if the infection has spread below the gumline.

Scaling and root planing procedures are also beneficial to patients who have chronic periodontitis (gum disease that has advanced past gingivitis).

Your dental care provider will determine whether you are a candidate for scaling and root planing or not. Book an appointment to address your concerns.