Gingivectomy / Gummy Smile Procedure in Surfside Beach

Gingivectomy is a procedure used to remove excess gum tissues, treat gum disease, or fix a gummy smile. A gummy smile is a situation in which the gum tissues have overgrown to make the teeth look shorter. Gummy smile treatment may also be considered as a cosmetic procedure to improve oneā€™s appearance.

Periodontists may use gingivectomy to treat gingivitis (gum disease) and periodontitis (advanced gum disease). A gingivectomy procedure comes in two forms, the traditional surgical approach and the laser approach.

Benefits of Gingivectomy

  • Removes excess or overgrown gum tissue
  • Fixes a gummy smile
  • Reduces harmful oral bacteria
  • Decreases periodontal pockets around your teeth
  • Makes brushing and flossing more effective because it helps you reach problem areas more easily
  • Helps maintain healthy teeth and gums

A gingivectomy takes approximately an hour to complete. The procedure also involves gum reshaping after the removal of excess gum tissues. In some cases, bone reshaping is necessary. Most patients recover within a week.