Crown Lengthening in Surfside Beach

Crown lengthening is an oral surgery procedure done to expose more of your tooth surface. Surgeons have many reasons to recommend crown lengthening procedures but mainly:

  • It may be done for cosmetic reasons if the patient is concerned about their smile as the teeth appear too short. The procedure adds length to the teeth by removing excess gum tissue.

  • It may be done if the patient has an uneven gum line to achieve a more symmetrical smile. Some parts of the gum may have more tissue than others making the patient have an uneven appearance. The excess tissue may be removed to create a more even smile.

  • It may be done to prepare the tooth for an artificial crown placement. For example, if a patient requires dental caps but has a shorter natural crown, the procedure may be done to add the extra tooth height.

The crown lengthening procedure removes excess gum tissue while making the tooth appear longer.

What to expect with crown lengthening

  • The procedure only needs to be done once and it defines the border between the tooth surface and the gum tissue to achieve a more symmetrical smile.
  • Apart from cosmetic purposes, crown lengthening can generally improve the oral health of a patient by reducing the chances of tooth decay. This is because more of the tooth surface is exposed for brushing and flossing.
  • For some patients, a laser may be used to contour the gum tissue without the need to remove bone tissue.
  • Dentists and periodontists can perform the procedure to help a patient receive a dental crown due to cavities, cracked teeth, or discolored teeth.
  • Your specialist will determine if the procedure is right for you. They will check how much gum tissue needs to be removed to achieve the desired look.

If you have oral health concerns or you would like to learn more about the cosmetic benefits of crown lengthening, contact us today.